anyway gonna blog some stuff about chalet with exco :)
first night, bbq/crazy games/ dancing / drinking was awesome.
(headache isnt good thou) haha
second night, och walk/freaky stuff that happened/flying from bike/being in pain
was memorable and at the same time horrible D:
hopefully the four of us who flew from our bike get well soon!
i just wished i wont be scar-ed :( thankfully the bruises are slowly disappearing
okays just as i was saying, sch is gonna be reopen
i got some great tchers now, but lessons are ending late for most days
hate that.
im currently feeling scared/worried/ queasy over quite alot of stuff
who understands, umm i wonder. haha
let me get pass these few weeks fast,
what a way im going to spend my 18th bday

02 January 2010 1/02/2010 11:33:00 PM
my samsung omnia lite is the worse phone ever
it slows down my pace of life, causeeee it lag like maddness!!!
hasnt been well these few days, i dont know why
i'm like a week closer to school reopen and i've procrastinate for a month! :o
i wanted to studied like real hard and get on the right track for everything last dec but i didnt manage to :x hahaha
monday is rehearsal for open house, please run let everything run smoothly :)
plus its so cool! gary neo agreed to give out ben and jerry vouchers as prizes for the games. yayness! he wanted movie tix, but then its damn costly so i guess vouchers are good enough!
alrighty im off, seeya!
awesome buffet tmr, but i dont really like family gatherings, oh well. haha

i dont know what to tell you now
its always harder this second time around...

it slows down my pace of life, causeeee it lag like maddness!!!
hasnt been well these few days, i dont know why
i'm like a week closer to school reopen and i've procrastinate for a month! :o
i wanted to studied like real hard and get on the right track for everything last dec but i didnt manage to :x hahaha
monday is rehearsal for open house, please run let everything run smoothly :)
plus its so cool! gary neo agreed to give out ben and jerry vouchers as prizes for the games. yayness! he wanted movie tix, but then its damn costly so i guess vouchers are good enough!
alrighty im off, seeya!
awesome buffet tmr, but i dont really like family gatherings, oh well. haha

i dont know what to tell you now
its always harder this second time around
take me away, out of this town
01 January 2010 1/01/2010 08:25:00 PM

2010 is here! the last day of 09 was awesome much :)
i spent it studying at the airport with liz n yimei!
hahah nice company and place to be and have there [:
at evening went for dinner and countdown with e3 people, not many turned up but its great still
love this bunch of jokers that can always have fun with
saw the fireworks at marina, the crowd was scary but still love the night
monkey maddness and highness in liza's house with norie and her!
miss such stayovers which im afraid we can hardly have this yr :(
everything gonna be cliche but...
okay 2009 wasn't exactly a great year to me
so many changes, some for the good while others for the worse
but at least i know i got to know new friends :)
there were times when i really got very upset but i dont tell them out but at least
i knw i can count on my close friends, really grateful to them cause they are always there for me whenever im down or happy :D and of course my family!
next year gonna be a struggle esp for As, i know im nt prepared and all but oh well i must srly work hard! that shall be my resolution then.
happy 2010 everyone!
gna post some macau pics next time or cn view fb :D
haha plus the pics for countdown, hope will get them soon.