YAYS! i can finally get my phone back tomorrow!
super happy when i received the call
cause i've waited for like two mths since i sent it for servicing but somehow it never comes back
hahah and secretly hope that my phone will look newer than before
which is obviously won't
anyway today had the pw workshop
its actually some public speaking workshop to prepare us for OP
i would say the workshop is interesting and perhaps rewarding
this sat is halloween! i've always wish for this halloween party whr we can dress up and go round houses saying trick or treat while collecting sweets :D
oh well but at here i bet they will just slam the door at u or just ignore
but for this yr i probly will spend it with my relatives in sentosa
cause we'll be celebrating my cousin's bday thr :)
ah i really want to go night safari with my three girls
we planned it long ago but didn't have time to do so! D:
oh yes im going to follow yeewen's recipie and do the honeyjoys soon
hee can't wait :D
i'll sing you a love song Lord
25 October 2009 10/25/2009 08:01:00 PM

totally enjoyed myself ytd with my class!
its actually the first class outing that almost everyone attended and i really had lots of fun with them haha
we went marina barage for some ne thing that every class had to do
and this is probly the third time i went thr this yr
thanks to minghong, four of us could borrowed his dslr for the entire day to play
how i wish i could own one, but for now we pray hard that cherie could get one before batam trip! haha :D
oh and we encountered this scary yet funny incident where there's two indian men tried stalking us
literally stalking cause they'll look out and follow us
but guess they gave up when they realise we're in a big grp
i think thats the only exciting thing at thr HAHA
i think thats the only exciting thing at thr HAHA
after marinab, almost the whole class squeeze into this mini van and head down to angeline's house once again!! :D
its suppose to be a surprise party for the oct babies and also have fun since its aft promos
this time i finally get to play in her pool! its damn fun when most of us went in
we had this horse fight and race thing haha!
so stayed till about 9 plus then we left :)
kays i've gotta go to airport to fetch my dad
still need to do up the cover pg for wr later
luckily wr will be over tmr but here comes op!
mixed emotions
24 October 2009 10/24/2009 01:02:00 AM
got back results today
thankfully i manage to pass and promote :)
initially i was very upset over geog
oh well at least for other subjs i manage improve slightly compared to mid yrs
thank God for that! :D
now i really really hope my friends in xco and class to successfully get promoted
or not it will never be the same anymore D:
tmr going to marina barage again, this time is with my class
for some ne trip thing and aft that for celebration/ pw work!
hahah alright nights, off to slp!...

tmr we're getting back our results and we'll somehow able to gauge if we've to retain not right :(
i used to think nothing much of promotional exams cause i thought its relatively easy to promote like how we used to in sec sch.
but now im really really afraid to retain esp after looking for mr tam today
hmm guess i'll just trust in the Lord since he've plans for me :)
gonna rush wr by monday and i really dislike pw
don't really see a point in this subj cause what can we really learn from it? nothing much....


thankfully i manage to pass and promote :)
initially i was very upset over geog
oh well at least for other subjs i manage improve slightly compared to mid yrs
thank God for that! :D
now i really really hope my friends in xco and class to successfully get promoted
or not it will never be the same anymore D:
tmr going to marina barage again, this time is with my class
for some ne trip thing and aft that for celebration/ pw work!
hahah alright nights, off to slp!
the verdict
22 October 2009 10/22/2009 10:14:00 PM

tmr we're getting back our results and we'll somehow able to gauge if we've to retain not right :(
i used to think nothing much of promotional exams cause i thought its relatively easy to promote like how we used to in sec sch.
but now im really really afraid to retain esp after looking for mr tam today
hmm guess i'll just trust in the Lord since he've plans for me :)
gonna rush wr by monday and i really dislike pw
don't really see a point in this subj cause what can we really learn from it? nothing much.
heartstrings entrangled
20 October 2009 10/20/2009 12:41:00 AM

yays here are part of my holga pictures that i collected today! :D
the aunty gave me a shock when she told me 32 bucks :O
only to realise each set of 11 (cause 1 photo from each flim screwed :( )
has service charge of 2.50. hahah! expensive isn't it?
but im happy la cause this time the pics are way nicer than previous!
anyway for once i woke up early to meet joey to gym and jog
haha i think im super lousy aft a long break from pe cause i'd to stop so many times to rest while jogging.
went home after that to bathe and meet her agn to shop!
so we went to bugis st, haji to shop
ahh many stuff caught my eyes but i have to save :(
met liza for dinner and we chat and take pics, rmb our date k- u shall plan chope!
oh man its late, i better sleep soon for sch tmr D:
hahah on the bright side im going to skip the post promos activities with cherie
and im pretty sure alot will give it a miss too!
cause know what we're having? tcm and personal grooming talks
who needs that, waste of time :x
oh wait im happy and thrilled for dec to arrive
cause pings are going macau together! how exciting man! <3
when it comes around
18 October 2009 10/18/2009 01:30:00 PM
heysss im back! :D
alright finally my promos are over and i decided not to be lazy to update this dead blog
anyway i removed the cbox thingy but will put it back someday later.
was so fury with fb and blogger :(
cause they made uploading pics a chore and i took hours to do them
probly due to my laopok com, that explains why i want a laptop!
so what i've been doing aft promos are mostly shopping, outing and meeting up with all my friends! miss them much :)
caught my sister's keeper ytd and the show was really good
thou there's no climax or whatever but its so touching that most ppl cried i think( u can actually hear sobbings in the theatre, HAHAH)
then finally meet up with my guides friends, love them man
i really miss those times when we will gossip and play during our cca
and we got a news abt guides going to be under clubs and society
oh my crap, we were super upset but oh well can't change it right
since koh bt its such a loser who don't stand up for us.
so here's abt it, i dread sch and pw now D:
and im getting back all my results this coming fri! :O
im really afraid i'll retain cause i got a bad feeling abt it.
i don't know when i'll update again, so till then, seeya!