till now i don't find myself doing much productive work :(
everytime i read my notes, i would forget them the next day.
this feeling of being lost in my studies sucks.
today i tried studying maths, guess what, i fell alsp 5 times just on the first chapt.
i think maths and i can't coexsist! :/
yesterday was xco outing at sentosa, i actually expect it to be boring but it was great n fun!! haha :D
we played vb, went into the sea to play 'monkey' with the vb and played many more games at vivo till 8 plus!
the wacking game was damn fun, and everyone's thigh became bruised after that.
oh did i mention i've got sunburnt even when i spam myself with sunblock? i knew sunblock wouldn't work on me afterall.
this holiday i finally managed to watch a few movies! hannah montana, night at museum 2, monster vs aliens!
all of them are quite gd. and i think hannah montana movie is not that loserish as what many would say.
anyway im extracting my wisdom teeth next week, im pretty afraid of it. can't imagine the amt of blood lost, the swell, the pain, the numbness i would feel. i bet it sucks. hahah
the next wk week gonna be very busy- ayg, xco, pw, exams, ltc.
ah im tired of everything.
okay shall end here! (:


haha if i really have one billion dollars, i will jump higher!