we got our pw topic alr, its on conservation or emergency
sounds simple right, but wanna think of a fresh idea is quite tough for me
anyway in the noon, my parents n i went to my malay cousin wedding
its cool but somehow too messy that i got quite irritated by the crowd
the food wasn't as nice as i wish too :/
but all these doesn't matter much cause its the joy that they get married tgt!
took some pics n went home! :D
oh yes i emailed my sis cause i did her a favour by scanning her ic n sent it to her
in return she said she's buying monkey sausage back for me :o
goodness, i think she must be joking cause if theres such a thing
it will be totally disgusting. hahah!
yays tmr is my dad n sp's bday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
happy belated bday to juanne too! :D
can't wait for tues to go out with fingerlings!!
next wk gonna be a busy wk with tests,doing of PI draft n camp!
oh ya phoenix ppl in ny
pls vote for me at H26!! :D
seeya ppl!
presenting B1B2! :D
22 March 2009 3/22/2009 07:46:00 PM
today is a rather bad day for me! i was unwell and have this nausea feeling :(
anw mon n tues was the event management workshop
wed went for a haircut with my sis

luckily the slight fever subsided n i got better aft my nap (:
so sorry to my phoenix grp cause i couldn't meet them
hol is ending and i haven't even catch up with my studies
furthermore next wk is all the tests. haas gd luck to me...
anw mon n tues was the event management workshop
its a waste of time and everyone would agree with that :/
the best part of the workshop is only our nice facil n the cam whoring session
second day we decided to pon halfway and so joey wanting cherie n i went to eat! :D
hahaha! i think the 'auntie' incharge got damn pissed with our grp
hahaha! i think the 'auntie' incharge got damn pissed with our grp
wed went for a haircut with my sis
goodness, i screwed my fringe again :o
aft that met up with grp 2 ppl to get the grp identities (:
thurs n fri went back for combine camp!!
so happy to meet up with the fellow seniors :D
miss them so much!
oh yays this time we didn't have any prob passing the guard!
went at night so only get to see the campfire and i miss seeing norie n liza cause they left in the morn D:
the campfire was quite alright, just sad that thrs no fire when there's no rain! :(
and sec 1s nowadays are super pampered by mrs koh
she brought an industrial cooker during outdoor cooking!!! wth
she even asked to cook fish filet for them as breakfast
poor sy tried cooking it, but due to lack of time we decided to just give them bread :/
so the whole night we didn't slp, but its super fun :D
we talked, play bridge, played with bike, jog 1 round, eat at the canteen. hahah
the next day finally collected testimonial from the office
it was rather well written but i think no use anyway
oh i got into the newyork trip! i don't know if im suppose to be happy
cause i went in yet all my frens didn't manage to go in :((
hopefully can find nice people inside and vic, carrie can appeal in successfully
so fri night sent my sis off to germany
she's gng thr for 6 mths n im starting to miss her
cause no one can talk n entertain me at home!
hope that pig is enjoying herself thr :D
i just realised tmr we're getting the pw topic! ahhhh
this means im going to be very busy alr
alright, seeya people!
15 March 2009 3/15/2009 11:27:00 AM

this pics were all taken during THE ONE (:
yays finally my one wk hol is here!
okays i had my interview ytd but i think its screwed up.
so i guess i most prob can't go but i wouldn't mind not going :D
after that went out with my both sis!
the whole day was shopping for guy's presents man
but i managed to buy a bag for myself :DDD
hahah and i want that skirt i saw!! but didn't get it :(
i think i need to pack my table cause i haven't clear my sec sch bks
kkkkkkk bye! :D
14 March 2009 3/14/2009 12:29:00 AM
three cheers for house exco!!<3

presenting bimbo sandy! :D hahah

sports carnival day!
one of the many jumpshots we took :D


presenting bimbo sandy! :D hahah

sports carnival day!
one of the many jumpshots we took :D

with our pink seniors
go phoenix!!

okay last sat was sports carnival
it was ruin by the weather but somehow i had fun!
like the umbrella duty and also taking pics :D
just so sad that the seniors efforts was wasted :(
well done to all house exco ppl thou!
the whole wk was pretty good for me
i miss shirley cause she transfered to poly :(
no more funny stuff of her D: but at least she promised to go back at least once a wk
maybe till poly starts!
anyway today our class played captain ball for pe
damn fun but as usual i suck at ball games :/
im begining to love my class more, thats a gd thing! haha
after that went to eat dinner with joey, ly and few chungcheng friends!
then rush back for THE ONE
its like a competition for singing actually
the whole event was great, esp the dance! (:
oh ya i was shortlisted for the newyork trip this june
so im going for interview in sch tmr!
hopefully can make it tgt with vic and carrie
or i rather stay in spore man!
03 March 2009 3/03/2009 07:39:00 PM
hello, just skip the whole bottom chunk cause i just wanna rant it out
im totally pissed with my best gp tcher ever.
he's such a sucker who can't teach for nuts
today i went to consult him on how to improve my mrp since im more or less done with it alr
instead of giving constructive suggestions he wanted me to remove the details like dates and numbers
nvm, then he wanted me to think some negative impact on the denuclearistion of north korea
wth, there's nth abt it online so i gave my pt of view and he say can't
he even insisted im trying to take a easier way out.
comes to the measures to prevent the impacts
i mean its positive impact why do u even wanna prevent it
obviously thrs nth to write, he wants me to squeeze smt out
hello! its a thousand words essay. u want me to squeeze what man! D:
i should just say goodbye to my 5percent of the promo marks
cause he's just against everything i wrote!!!!
sorry abt that,im just freaking angry.
i feel so upset abt it okay cause it concerns my promo
and i seriously got nth much to write on topic like mine
but i couldn't possibly change it now when i've to hand in on thurs :((((
maybe its just wrong to go jc cause i'll just screw my gp up...
im totally pissed with my best gp tcher ever.
he's such a sucker who can't teach for nuts
today i went to consult him on how to improve my mrp since im more or less done with it alr
instead of giving constructive suggestions he wanted me to remove the details like dates and numbers
nvm, then he wanted me to think some negative impact on the denuclearistion of north korea
wth, there's nth abt it online so i gave my pt of view and he say can't
he even insisted im trying to take a easier way out.
comes to the measures to prevent the impacts
i mean its positive impact why do u even wanna prevent it
obviously thrs nth to write, he wants me to squeeze smt out
hello! its a thousand words essay. u want me to squeeze what man! D:
i should just say goodbye to my 5percent of the promo marks
cause he's just against everything i wrote!!!!
sorry abt that,im just freaking angry.
i feel so upset abt it okay cause it concerns my promo
and i seriously got nth much to write on topic like mine
but i couldn't possibly change it now when i've to hand in on thurs :((((
maybe its just wrong to go jc cause i'll just screw my gp up
01 March 2009 3/01/2009 02:28:00 PM
heyo peepo! (:
have been doing my mrp this whole morn.
it sucks alot k, cause i did halfway then i somehow didn't save it and tadah my efforts are gone.
so now im redoing it :(:(
oh yes i seriously cnt stay at home for long
cause i will always snack alot and i will get dizzy staying at home. weird i know, but its true :/
so i came to a conclusion! i can't be a housewife. hahah
anyway i had my first house exco meeting last thurs
apparently we're not officially in yet and we need to go through some nomination thing
but that day was pretty fun. did some intro, played some games, makan and dance
yep and we're having camp soon so this pic below shows my grp members
thankfully i alr knew elaine and sammuel before that :D
and andre my grp leader was from bty scouts too.
oh yes sammuel is my cousin's friend n is liyan's friend...spore is really small
then fri attend parents meeting session without my mum cause she was sick
the only reason i still went is to listen the promo thingy but nth much on it thou
so its a waste of time actually :/
hahaha i got a goody news!
econs n hist is organising this trip to newyork in june
i so wanna go!!! im going to try thou the chance of going is pretty slim,
beside that i have to write this short essay n go through interview ((:
goodbye people!

house exco grp 2!...
have been doing my mrp this whole morn.
it sucks alot k, cause i did halfway then i somehow didn't save it and tadah my efforts are gone.
so now im redoing it :(:(
oh yes i seriously cnt stay at home for long
cause i will always snack alot and i will get dizzy staying at home. weird i know, but its true :/
so i came to a conclusion! i can't be a housewife. hahah
anyway i had my first house exco meeting last thurs
apparently we're not officially in yet and we need to go through some nomination thing
but that day was pretty fun. did some intro, played some games, makan and dance
yep and we're having camp soon so this pic below shows my grp members
thankfully i alr knew elaine and sammuel before that :D
and andre my grp leader was from bty scouts too.
oh yes sammuel is my cousin's friend n is liyan's friend...spore is really small
then fri attend parents meeting session without my mum cause she was sick
the only reason i still went is to listen the promo thingy but nth much on it thou
so its a waste of time actually :/
hahaha i got a goody news!
econs n hist is organising this trip to newyork in june
i so wanna go!!! im going to try thou the chance of going is pretty slim,
beside that i have to write this short essay n go through interview ((:
goodbye people!

house exco grp 2!