hahah as for the cow pic cause its the cow year!
anyway going visiting later which i don't really look forward to
like what huiting say, i bet they will bombard us with questions about studies
yup whatever it is, have a happy day n have fun!
23 January 2009 1/23/2009 11:57:00 PM

1/23/2009 07:33:00 PM


anyway yesterday noon went for my dental!
my dentist praised me for keeping my retainers exceptionally well, but that's cause i seldom use it :/ i know its bad. hahah
and i guess i need to pluck out my wisdom teeth soon but i can't find a time
i mean school is starting soon right :(
after that sent sugan off, the next time i'll be seeing him is probly 2 yrs later
i'll miss u lots! and thanks for urprecious 2 bucks, we'll keep it well! :D
u must frame yours too okay
u must frame yours too okay
had popeye for late dinner, its nice :))
bought some candies n head down to liza house for stayover!
yays fun time! we took a billion pics as usual and went crazy
unglam-ness is common :x
ducky won the pageant , she stole geogie's trophy
totally unfair D:
morn liza left for hongkong, i will miss u love
takecare of urself okay
so norie n i went to beatty to meet the others
catch abit of the cny celebration and we lunched at kimchi lala
we then tooked a super long time to decide where to go after that
we were pretty lazy la so went to liyan's house to slack
played monopoly n cludo; our favourite past time there! :D
new moon time! bye people(:
oh yes, norie managed to get liza n i to create an acct in facebook
apparently, i made a bet with my sis that her bf n i would never create an acct thr
he gave in long ago and now is my turn :x
19 January 2009 1/19/2009 11:26:00 PM
somewhat noon i suddenly felt sick and puke, its awful
blame the mussels, hahah
but i don't think so cause its so long after having it
took a short nap before leaving to meet liza norie n sugan
then we head down to town for seoul garden with the others :D
mdm toh went too and she was very nice. extremely
cause she treated everyone of us and its super ex like 402 bucks!
ate till 9 then we chilled out outside ngee an city
took pics n went home :)

blame the mussels, hahah
but i don't think so cause its so long after having it
took a short nap before leaving to meet liza norie n sugan
then we head down to town for seoul garden with the others :D
mdm toh went too and she was very nice. extremely
cause she treated everyone of us and its super ex like 402 bucks!
ate till 9 then we chilled out outside ngee an city
took pics n went home :)