oh yays we finally wear our class teeshirt
its great to see the whole class, mr wong and mrs ng wearing it. heee
aces day activity was ultra dumb.
circling around two rows and no one actually take it seriously anyway
haha they made us wait for almost half an hr before the celebration starts
think everyone got impatient and started making noise :/
perfomance quite alright, two band and two dance grps
joey danced really well! the whole group did a awesome performance! :D
ahh they really cut our class vid and intercept it with some lame sentences
after the celebration we tried finding tchers to pass the cards
then train down to novena for lunch
ate the seoul yummy :)
went liyan's house to play lots of games after that
its really funny, we played almost all the games she have
i tried to give out the cluedo cards but i never succeed :(
so we played uno, blackjack, blink, cheat ((:
oh yes watched don't mess with zohan, its boring
not exactly hilarious so we change to simpson
today is a slacky day, but its fun <3
next week is finally holiday, but must study for prelims
jiayou people (:
i need to remind myself about thurs lesson! :D
24 August 2008 8/24/2008 09:42:00 PM

-clayshooting was fun! (:
-nice weather recently, good to sleep!
-prelims starting this week :(
-oh yes, olympic in beijing ends today
-its fun when everyone in canteen cheer for spore
-amanda please be motivated to study!
alright blog in point form,bye! :D
15 August 2008 8/15/2008 11:38:00 PM
04042014-8pm! hahah
thats our date in 6 years time (:
anyway eng oral was alright except some parts
hopefully can do well though
im tired of studying and sick of everything :((((
i don't like the feeling im having currently
i feel so lousy

sydney is so sweet, she made 40 plus muffins for the class! :D
thank you!

hahah! joey amanda and yeechuang <3

the eight of us! :DD

im love my class much more now! (:

gladys norie and liyan!

amanda keping and joey!


okay i'm suppose to 'carry' that guy, i look so dumb then :/

thats our date in 6 years time (:
anyway eng oral was alright except some parts
hopefully can do well though
im tired of studying and sick of everything :((((
i don't like the feeling im having currently
i feel so lousy
08 August 2008 8/08/2008 09:11:00 PM

sydney is so sweet, she made 40 plus muffins for the class! :D
thank you!

hahah! joey amanda and yeechuang <3

the eight of us! :DD

im love my class much more now! (:

gladys norie and liyan!

amanda keping and joey!


okay i'm suppose to 'carry' that guy, i look so dumb then :/

this macho guy amaze us alot :D haas
u guys made my day! <3
anyway dearest bday girl,
hope u've enjoyed urself today okay(:
i've wrote everything in that card alr
and take ur time to read! :D
love you plenty!
anyway watched money not enough 2 today
its touching i must say(:
ate super dog too!
okay byeeeeeeeee :D
07 August 2008 8/07/2008 12:21:00 AM
i've decided to take back my words about not going online anymore :D
well today i didn't want to touch my books cause tmr is xcountry
i actually made my mind about not going last wk but somehow got persuaded
shall walk though! :D
today went to take a look at the ndp rehearsal
i felt very happy to see all the juniors having all their fringe clipped up
its like really a happy thing :D
& don't let others bring u guys down
u have proved to me they're wrong, at least today
and hopefully u all will keep this going
cause u all are great alright!(:
anyway i looked through my old post in the blog
and was surprised with the way i typed.hahah
i think i felt happier in the past, less worries(:
its like all the happy memories flashed back
some things gone so wrong,
perhaps we regretted what we didn't do or have done
or rather i feel that way(:...
well today i didn't want to touch my books cause tmr is xcountry
i actually made my mind about not going last wk but somehow got persuaded
shall walk though! :D
today went to take a look at the ndp rehearsal
i felt very happy to see all the juniors having all their fringe clipped up
its like really a happy thing :D
& don't let others bring u guys down
u have proved to me they're wrong, at least today
and hopefully u all will keep this going
cause u all are great alright!(:
anyway i looked through my old post in the blog
and was surprised with the way i typed.hahah
i think i felt happier in the past, less worries(:
its like all the happy memories flashed back
some things gone so wrong,
perhaps we regretted what we didn't do or have done
or rather i feel that way(: