hehs last sat went to my granny's house
its been so long since i see her
and i love her cause she's nice :DDD
sunday had tuition with mdm lee
haas went for dinner with my family at ichiban in amk hub
its very filling and delicious.
but missed aaron's b'day party
recently so many ppl's blog are dead
and i have none to view :(
well i failed my chem test badly
infact both my sci tests i flunked them, rather discouraging :(
haas nevermind,
oh ya binomial test perhaps able to get a borderline pass i hope :D
bleahs this wk filled with rehearsals and stuff.
oh yays next week only 2 study days :P
alone is nice and the end is unexpected
& shiying is super afraid of horror shows
bring her along when u watch one cause ur horror shows would turn to comical
i laugh like crazy cause of her reaction :D
hmm nowadays many of us got really upset over guides
its like everything is differs so much frm last time
& scolding n punish them too much we also don't feel good :(
26 July 2007 7/26/2007 08:25:00 PM
racial harmony :D
incineration plant
the arcade thing super cute!
upload only a few pics cause lazy :/
other days will add in others
today was rather fun cause left class halfway to fetch korean visitors
they are super friendly lars! :D
we got to interact with them, had a sch tour
oh ya watch the dragon kiln vid,its was quite nice :D
and the korean performance was great.hehs
then aft that went to eat in library
they gave us the wooden plank they use to break for taekwando
& i manage to break them surprisely :DD
bt my hand went red,haas
shiying's hand was redder tho :x
had many phototakings then they gave us many gifts
most of the gifts are frm korea xD
ivan also had a crush on a korean girl :P
hilarious la in the library teasing ppl
reheresal for national day
my mood went real down
and my slow march is like shopping frm what izzuan said
then they laugh at me :(
so lucky change to normal march :D
bt the reheresal was quite fun, i guessed :D
24 July 2007 7/24/2007 08:48:00 PM
oh my, today i was so tired
and i embarrassed myself in hall.
my shuttle run today was screwed.
its just a 0.1 seconds -.-
but nevermind i tried so many times le
and my leg hurts now :(
yup emaths test was alright
but i lost 3 marks, i guess(:
ahh i failed physics horribly.
can someone coach me in my sciences?
i really don't understand D:
well reheresal today,quite alright
had tuition aft that
lols its getting boring nowadays.
oh yes the koreans are coming this thurs
and jap is few weeks later :DDD...
and i embarrassed myself in hall.
my shuttle run today was screwed.
its just a 0.1 seconds -.-
but nevermind i tried so many times le
and my leg hurts now :(
yup emaths test was alright
but i lost 3 marks, i guess(:
ahh i failed physics horribly.
can someone coach me in my sciences?
i really don't understand D:
well reheresal today,quite alright
had tuition aft that
lols its getting boring nowadays.
oh yes the koreans are coming this thurs
and jap is few weeks later :DDD
21 July 2007 7/21/2007 10:58:00 PM
& its a few hours to YUTING's birthday too!
& its a few hours to YUTING's birthday too!
20 July 2007 7/20/2007 10:11:00 PM
yayyyyyys! :DDDD
i've gt selected to go for the japan exchange prog with kp!
haas i was super happy in the morn
but now hopefully my parents allow
& to that caterpillar!
cheer up :((((
oh yes alot of ppl join bty superstar.
simin's grp sang well :DD
but watch awhile have to rush for guides.
the sec twos improve alot!
and im really proud of them.hahs :DD
hope the cn keep up the good work
blahhhh i want go japan alot
bt my dad isn't keen at all :(
disneyland wait for me alrights? =X


i've gt selected to go for the japan exchange prog with kp!
haas i was super happy in the morn
but now hopefully my parents allow
& to that caterpillar!
cheer up :((((
oh yes alot of ppl join bty superstar.
simin's grp sang well :DD
but watch awhile have to rush for guides.
the sec twos improve alot!
and im really proud of them.hahs :DD
hope the cn keep up the good work
blahhhh i want go japan alot
bt my dad isn't keen at all :(
disneyland wait for me alrights? =X
19 July 2007 7/19/2007 10:38:00 PM

our school celebrated racial harmony today! :D
and quite many of us wore costumes frm different races
norie liza and i wore pernakan's kebaya(x
so we went early to sch to change
i think its nice when u see almost everyone in class is wearing
the stupid shoes i wore made me have blisters at on legs,dumb :(
& morn i felt bad to ms chan or rather mrs ng
cause ytd i asked her if she has costume to lend me :D
so she said see how
i wasn't sure abt it so i asked norie to lend me
& this morn ms chan came to me with the costume
she was like 'aiya u have alr,i brought the costumes for u eh' smiling
hehs sorry :X
assembly was quite alright
but the first performance have no meaning,to me at least.
oh yes i finally finish the presentation for guides
my com damn lag lars :(
plus my msn has gone bonkers and i cnt receive and msg.
thats about it
16 July 2007 7/16/2007 12:26:00 AM

hello :D
my blog is so dead and im lazy to update it.
well last friday farewell party was a success i could say
and im very happy that the presentation went smoothly!
at least our hardwork paid off.hehs
gnna miss them as they will hardly be back to lead guides :(
tuition at mdm lee this morn.
had a hilarious interview before that cause of what sy said xD
guessed she's super embarressed.
anyway created my chinese blog recently.
don't like to update thr cause its in chinese -.-
don't like to update thr cause its in chinese -.-
hmm nxt week having four tests,such killer :(
alright shall go rush my hmwk(x