meet kp and sy in tpy(:
ate at fork and spoon,the logan ice not bad.hahs
the movie was not that nice lars
but ending quite touching :'(
hehs me and sy thot its scary la
den whole movie we grab our jacket :/
but also not that scary aft all xD
went to visit eleanor aft movie!
she's down with fever.
norie ar takecare and drink water :DD
we chat thr and play with her WHITE swing xD
the swing will make ur pants white,hahas
went inside her new walk in wardrobe
and norie and me play dress up!
hahs we wear her mum's paranakan costume :DD
aft that kp sy and me dine in sticky rice :DD
the restaurant sounds funny but the atmosphere is nice
pineapple rice and coke float!
we decide to make a trip back to tpy xD
and we chat at the stairs of the mrt.
im back home aft that! :DD
tmr mdm lee tuition agn
but aft that gt gladys party!!((:
3/31/2007 11:38:00 AM

the pics while doing projs :DD

hello earthlings :D
alright im bored.
ytd was a super busy day.
anyway happy birthday to daddy and siping.
both birthday fell on ytd! :DD
morn that cat wanted to scratched another person agn! x_x
im super afraid of it now.hahs
right aft school,
council phototaking
den rush to chnge guides uni
and guides phototaking
Btrail aft that
guides session
then sp's celebration :D
see its mad rush alright when all time slot clash.
anyway i skipped investiture reheresal.i've no time for it :P
and annual awards reheresal was postponed too.
Btrail,the pri school kids are super cute :DD
when counting the lockers right,
they will beat the lockers while counting
and some pri sch kids are taller den zane.hahs
guides meeting-footdrill and gadgets//
sp celebration aft that.think wasn't as fun compared last yr.
but anw she happy can le :D
yuting cheer up alright((:
dun brood over such stuff.
it takes time to chnge back de[:
28 March 2007 3/28/2007 10:07:00 PM

happy birhtday juanne!(:
my two test-chem and amaths will be a killer for me
alright chem was alright[:
these two tests made my eyes swell and bloodshot in the morn.
oh ya ytd morning i got attack by a cat :(
luckily i manage to run away lars.
cause at the overhead bridge,then thrs this cat sit quietly there.
suddenly it pounced up and ran towards me :/
wanting to attack my leg la.
but i slap my bk down to protect myself frm being scretched
and the cat stopped when it saw my bk
so i immediately ran off.scare me :((
anyways aft sch went kfc :DD
i did smt silly :/ and i felt so apologetic aft tt.
so dumb,should have read that notice :(
then had fancydrill for the annualawards de.
instructions din get across to us clearly.
but plan changed and everything turn out smoothly.
had fun laughing with the others(:
then keping and me went liyan's house for proj
yepps thats abt it :DD
liyan's grandma said kp and i look alike.hahs
i don't think so, im much tanner :(
keping! my dumb di is in hospital la xD
i din killed it,hahs!
26 March 2007 3/26/2007 07:52:00 PM

this is dumbdumb((:
its keping's baby.loll
i have an identical one which i name dumb di :D
but i disabled dumb di today :'(
cause aft sports heat while walking home right,
kp said it will light only if u hit it.
den i say YA den i started hitting it hardly on my bk.
and dumb di dropped one of her arm!
sad lars i just bought for a few days only.
but poor dumb di i still love her as much -.-
hahs today ms tan became a walking corpse :/
see her make up, overly
and she said the titbits she bought for us really cost 50 bucks
its roughly six packets only.
well oh well what else can we say uh?
she sucks can?she said the girls in our class flirts?
hahs!funny -.- backstab us infront of trainers.wth.
she changed her impression of herself to me totally.
i rather mdm ong :DD
sports heat was alright.
half way sy and me ran oppo to buy pao pao cha:DD
hees alright gng to rush hmwk le.seeyou
25 March 2007 3/25/2007 11:17:00 PM

ahahs im camp sick xD
i miss the camp days now.hahs
anyway today's same old routine
tuition at mdm lee's again :(
meet kp earlier to get yc's very belated b'day gift:D
den ate at ljs.we wanted thai express
but then its for lunch so dun feel like spending alot on it.
went to arcade:DD
played the basketball game.
hahs today just one game we both got so tired
and my score of it sucks xD
den sy and sp joined us aft that.
anyway i spent 20 bucks just on my hp stuff :(
im oh so broke now.
nxt few days no money to spend,sponsors anyone? :P
i got my darling hp a screen protector again
cause the old one gt scretches in during camp.
den a cover also plus a keychain[same one as kp :DD]
she lost the last time one,our white pig :(
better keep this well kays((:
i got so moody today in tuition
wasn't feeling right cause my head was heavy.
and i cnt stand mdm lee's bragging.rars irritaing!
and i cnt stand mdm lee's bragging.rars irritaing!
yes if shes that gd,also dun have to teach halfway stop just to brag -.-
aft tuition pass yunjia the bk
so long since i see her.i miss her alot<3
yeps our childhood memories are not forgotten.still rmb we used to bring our scooter and go ard the neighbourhood.
den play with the carpark water((:
super fun.i miss those
anw now i dunno how to do my amaths hmwk
shall skip it :P
seeyou,my friend :DDD
keping looks cute here((:
24 March 2007 3/24/2007 06:14:00 PM

anyway don't know why blogs with ' - ' in the url can't be viewed :(
which means mine lars.loll
anyway back to camp!
this yr camp nt as fun as in sec two
first day
sucks when i realised i was diff grp from kp.
my mood was like totally dampened!
furthermore my trainer was like er so dead de
my grp is O'NEILL and my trainer is weijun
the other grp is VOLCOM and the trainer is AYUN :D
i so like ayun he's super duper cute alrite.
see his pic on top :DDD
without him the camp will
anyway we learnt the basic camp skills stuff
guides learnt them le so quite a bore.
ayun taught us many cheers and is super fun lars
nothing much for first day.
second day
sarimbun challege!
walk like crazy for checkpts to farm etc
our grp catapult is able to shoot far.hees
den selected pupils did the high elements and kayak
me and kp help to pull the ropes for the high elements
den the lady incharge is funny
she's friendly and she started the name xiao ping for kp((:
its my first time touching frog in the farm
scary yet
den outdoor cooking for two days in a row.
maggie mee and sardines
campfire!stupid rain ruin it
but our spirit din died off
we held it in the MPH :D
our grp performace was a success!
we cheered like crazy people :D
third day
we pack up and ready to go off
area cleaning in teachers dorm.super shuang
cause its clean so we went thr enjoy air con :P
but gt scolded in the end :/
grp 8 won the creative award!
yayness for them cause its still 3e4 :D
see you ppl im off.super tired
anyway don't know why blogs with ' - ' in the url can't be viewed :(
which means mine lars.loll
anyway back to camp!
this yr camp nt as fun as in sec two
first day
sucks when i realised i was diff grp from kp.
my mood was like totally dampened!
furthermore my trainer was like er so dead de
my grp is O'NEILL and my trainer is weijun
the other grp is VOLCOM and the trainer is AYUN :D
i so like ayun he's super duper cute alrite.
see his pic on top :DDD
without him the camp will
anyway we learnt the basic camp skills stuff
guides learnt them le so quite a bore.
ayun taught us many cheers and is super fun lars
nothing much for first day.
second day
sarimbun challege!
walk like crazy for checkpts to farm etc
our grp catapult is able to shoot far.hees
den selected pupils did the high elements and kayak
me and kp help to pull the ropes for the high elements
den the lady incharge is funny
she's friendly and she started the name xiao ping for kp((:
its my first time touching frog in the farm
scary yet
den outdoor cooking for two days in a row.
maggie mee and sardines
campfire!stupid rain ruin it
but our spirit din died off
we held it in the MPH :D
our grp performace was a success!
we cheered like crazy people :D
third day
we pack up and ready to go off
area cleaning in teachers dorm.super shuang
cause its clean so we went thr enjoy air con :P
but gt scolded in the end :/
grp 8 won the creative award!
yayness for them cause its still 3e4 :D
see you ppl im off.super tired
20 March 2007 3/20/2007 09:27:00 PM

hello people((:
last fri stayover at kp's house with yc :D
supposely its for proj
bt we ended up playing lars.hees
at night went to play basketball
den called liyan along
hello ppl! im back frm the combine camp :DD
im back in one piece bt with sore troat and chaota le xD
hahs i love my grp!((:
last time i still dun really like it
but now hehs at least bonded lars :DD
and thanks to parnter wee keat to lead the
everyone is great in my grp compared to other grp((:
and thanks to our ICs,phoebe and yongjin
PT everyday was tough
bt at least get to excercise.hahs!
pumpings and scolding everyday :(
among all the activities i love the dragon boating!
hahas its super fun xD
my grp got split den i joined kp's grp
den we was viking on the dragon boat lars xD
the specs and PLs boat got capsized
den we went to save them.hahs :D
aft that i got sun burnt became red lobster of the day
while the campfire
eh not as fun as i wish it was like last yr
everyone is super dead
only afew and sec three guides
we were trying super hard to be enthu and i shout till no voice :(
anw it rained so we shifted to the hall
and the campfire became four candles on the firewoods xD
oh yes sentry duty on the first night was fun
aud and me walk ard sch for alot of times
and we chat and say xin shi((:
and today break camp le
super tired okays see you <3
10 March 2007 3/10/2007 05:18:00 PM
subject fest today :D
went to school to serve food((:
kope the food aft that.hahs!
our ham and cheese bun is the most popular de xD
aft that mr boo came while serving
mr boo: mb , amanda: me
mb: wad is most popular among the three buns?
us: ham and cheese (:
mb:so next time when u all set up stall wad u would sell
me: all three types!
mb: why?
me: cause more variety ma
mb: but u lose money cause the other type of buns must be thrown at the end of the day.
me: no,i can donate to old folks home -.-
okays lame conversation lars xD
den aft everything went tpy
ate kfc with sec threes and yihui too[:
bought my shoe bag!
and may be getting a jacket tmr with kp :DD
then everyone aft lunch went off
kp and i go walk walk :DD
oh yes im smart lars
cause in popular we heard a song
den i say hey 5566 song.
den she was er...
and she listen for so long den realise it too :x
weilin drew me a colourful plaster
cause she hurt my <33>

she owe me a gennie bottle and alibaba mat((:
tmr's mdm lee tuition
hopefully it will be a fun one :D...
went to school to serve food((:
kope the food aft that.hahs!
our ham and cheese bun is the most popular de xD
aft that mr boo came while serving
mr boo: mb , amanda: me
mb: wad is most popular among the three buns?
us: ham and cheese (:
mb:so next time when u all set up stall wad u would sell
me: all three types!
mb: why?
me: cause more variety ma
mb: but u lose money cause the other type of buns must be thrown at the end of the day.
me: no,i can donate to old folks home -.-
okays lame conversation lars xD
den aft everything went tpy
ate kfc with sec threes and yihui too[:
bought my shoe bag!
and may be getting a jacket tmr with kp :DD
then everyone aft lunch went off
kp and i go walk walk :DD
oh yes im smart lars
cause in popular we heard a song
den i say hey 5566 song.
den she was er...
and she listen for so long den realise it too :x
weilin drew me a colourful plaster
cause she hurt my <33>

she owe me a gennie bottle and alibaba mat((:
tmr's mdm lee tuition
hopefully it will be a fun one :D
09 March 2007 3/09/2007 09:26:00 PM
march holiday :DD
alright not really a holiday,
everyday need to go back school.
mon-wed :combine camp
thurs: geog lesson and tuition
fri: proj
sat: yayness free :D
ah im still not well
sickening that stupid cough!
hope to be okay before camp so i can shout cheer [:
oh well din go guides today.
and now weekeat update me on the stuff
funny eh our grp's cheer.loll
i was chatting with kp den i recite the cheer
and laugh at the same time xD
okays shall talk on yesterday :DDD
our 3e4 skit was a success!
enjoyed it lars[:
aft tt vivian and grp was dancing,its nice
and the invitation for the teachers on stage to dance was funny
and rushed home to prepare myself.
my sister and francis registered their marriage ytd :DDD
super happy for them.and they look great ytd too.hahs
took pictures shld post some here when im free.hees
then went to goodwood park hotel for dinner
some international buffet((:
its such a spread, so nice the oysters and sushi!
yeps that about it.seeyou :D...
alright not really a holiday,
everyday need to go back school.
mon-wed :combine camp
thurs: geog lesson and tuition
fri: proj
sat: yayness free :D
ah im still not well
sickening that stupid cough!
hope to be okay before camp so i can shout cheer [:
oh well din go guides today.
and now weekeat update me on the stuff
funny eh our grp's cheer.loll
i was chatting with kp den i recite the cheer
and laugh at the same time xD
okays shall talk on yesterday :DDD
our 3e4 skit was a success!
enjoyed it lars[:
aft tt vivian and grp was dancing,its nice
and the invitation for the teachers on stage to dance was funny
and rushed home to prepare myself.
my sister and francis registered their marriage ytd :DDD
super happy for them.and they look great ytd too.hahs
took pictures shld post some here when im free.hees
then went to goodwood park hotel for dinner
some international buffet((:
its such a spread, so nice the oysters and sushi!
yeps that about it.seeyou :D
06 March 2007 3/06/2007 10:32:00 PM
its a tuesday :D
milky checks ask me to blog so i did [:
just finished my tuition,
my chat with eleanor
my super short yet to be continued chat with elizabeth[:
norie,cheer up kays.dun get affected by wads said.hehs
oh yes i got a horribly sexy voice.
my troat hurts like thrs fire inside.
im on fire xD
keping see this :P
anyway spring cleaning for 3e4 :D
the class rm is super clean now.
hehs.reheresed for class skit.
its hilarious when yc did that action xD
um thats all.see you[:
it used to be so magical;
and theres never happy ending....
milky checks ask me to blog so i did [:
just finished my tuition,
my chat with eleanor
my super short yet to be continued chat with elizabeth[:
norie,cheer up kays.dun get affected by wads said.hehs
oh yes i got a horribly sexy voice.
my troat hurts like thrs fire inside.
im on fire xD
keping see this :P
anyway spring cleaning for 3e4 :D
the class rm is super clean now.
hehs.reheresed for class skit.
its hilarious when yc did that action xD
um thats all.see you[:
it used to be so magical;
and theres never happy ending.
03 March 2007 3/03/2007 06:24:00 PM
hello :DD
ah have been sick since two days le :(
stupid fever made me feel so horrible!
and my whole body is aching like mad.rars
oh well i think i will fail my phy test agn
i need a phy tutor badly.hahs
um aft sch went with sy to buy guides bks for sec ones.
ah its the second time gng thr without anything back
cause the shop said the bks were out of stock
how unlucky.loll
then we rushed back for guides
we had precamp with nccland
and i so dislike my grp :((
tho phoebe is inside[:
anw my grp ic are phoebe,yong jin and chen yong
ah i feel so lonely inside thr :((
but nevermind can't change also.hahs
din went for the campfire today with them
cause wasn't feeling well
so long din go for campfire le
hope they enjoy themselves bah((:...
ah have been sick since two days le :(
stupid fever made me feel so horrible!
and my whole body is aching like mad.rars
oh well i think i will fail my phy test agn
i need a phy tutor badly.hahs
um aft sch went with sy to buy guides bks for sec ones.
ah its the second time gng thr without anything back
cause the shop said the bks were out of stock
how unlucky.loll
then we rushed back for guides
we had precamp with nccland
and i so dislike my grp :((
tho phoebe is inside[:
anw my grp ic are phoebe,yong jin and chen yong
ah i feel so lonely inside thr :((
but nevermind can't change also.hahs
din went for the campfire today with them
cause wasn't feeling well
so long din go for campfire le
hope they enjoy themselves bah((: