miss the camp(:
but the main thing was my discovery which was...
i found two orbs among the pics.one was beside keping's head.
the other was at the bottom near the sernior's leg.it was clearly for this one.
this is so freaky.hmm try to upload the pic here but dunno if it works.

24 March 2006 3/24/2006 09:36:00 PM
hehs hehs today's guides miting was fun =D
maybe no scoldings n i think we kinda move veri fast today((:
den we spent half of the session marching.we were at the com lab out there marching.
den i dunno wads wrong wit mi.i kept doing mistakes n luff alot.hahaas
at first i gave the timing.den theresa whisper at my ear ask mii to listen to the 'swish' sound coming frm the yun's shoe.den i burst out laughing.no offence luhhs.hehe
the other time was when shiying gave wrong timing den they infront started luffing den i oso luff.laughing is indeed contagious XD
den after tt we went down to join the juniors n the other ccas marching down at the parade square.
wa there was noisy luh.hahas.we were lyk screaming when giving the timing.so funni.
guanlin today veri funni.we are her toys for the dayXD.
pumping position down.on ur feets up!hahas so fun.
den created cheers for MA TONG ><
ahahas oh man simply had fun during this guide session.XD
after guides.keping sy n i was lyk so high.hahas
so tired now cause of the rush of ytd's last min projs =X
yepps tatas.
maybe no scoldings n i think we kinda move veri fast today((:
den we spent half of the session marching.we were at the com lab out there marching.
den i dunno wads wrong wit mi.i kept doing mistakes n luff alot.hahaas
at first i gave the timing.den theresa whisper at my ear ask mii to listen to the 'swish' sound coming frm the yun's shoe.den i burst out laughing.no offence luhhs.hehe
the other time was when shiying gave wrong timing den they infront started luffing den i oso luff.laughing is indeed contagious XD
den after tt we went down to join the juniors n the other ccas marching down at the parade square.
wa there was noisy luh.hahas.we were lyk screaming when giving the timing.so funni.
guanlin today veri funni.we are her toys for the dayXD.
pumping position down.on ur feets up!hahas so fun.
den created cheers for MA TONG ><
ahahas oh man simply had fun during this guide session.XD
after guides.keping sy n i was lyk so high.hahas
so tired now cause of the rush of ytd's last min projs =X
yepps tatas.
18 March 2006 3/18/2006 06:10:00 PM
back from the ncc land n guides combined camp(:
the camp is fun but veri tiring.lols.
first time run and walk for such a long distance.hahs.can train for muscles XD
hmm my grp is quite nice onli for tt sec one ncc guy.many of us can't stand him.
he is so much diff from the other ncc cadets loh.
hmm den on the second nite so sad no nite duty.so stay in the bunk wit keping(:
the serniors slept wit us too.den they brought titbits.
so we gather round to tell ghost stories n eat =X hahas
fun sia but den ms tuan walk pass the bunk den we pretend to slp.
but in the end they say we better get to slp.yepps.
wah the second nite can slp veri well unlike the first nite.can't slp at all.lols
hahs in this camp really get to noe more abt the sec ones(:
some weren't tt bad after all =D
oh ya the campfire nite was kinda screwed leh.many of them so quiet de.
but the wushu n sec three performance was great(:
ahh now veri rush for time.haven complete my hmwk.die le.
hmm bye!
-sorry PLs if we made u angry dui bu qi.smile (:
the camp is fun but veri tiring.lols.
first time run and walk for such a long distance.hahs.can train for muscles XD
hmm my grp is quite nice onli for tt sec one ncc guy.many of us can't stand him.
he is so much diff from the other ncc cadets loh.
hmm den on the second nite so sad no nite duty.so stay in the bunk wit keping(:
the serniors slept wit us too.den they brought titbits.
so we gather round to tell ghost stories n eat =X hahas
fun sia but den ms tuan walk pass the bunk den we pretend to slp.
but in the end they say we better get to slp.yepps.
wah the second nite can slp veri well unlike the first nite.can't slp at all.lols
hahs in this camp really get to noe more abt the sec ones(:
some weren't tt bad after all =D
oh ya the campfire nite was kinda screwed leh.many of them so quiet de.
but the wushu n sec three performance was great(:
ahh now veri rush for time.haven complete my hmwk.die le.
hmm bye!
-sorry PLs if we made u angry dui bu qi.smile (:
10 March 2006 3/10/2006 09:06:00 PM
yeas back from camp.
now i'm so tanned.argh hard to turn back le.
hmm gonna do so many projs.rushing lyk mad cause next week got guides camp too(:
hmm i love the cheers at the camp so fun.
the greatest thing is tt 2E3 did veri well in the camp.we won lotas prize =D
actually should thanks rama for leading us well.tho kinda act la.
yepps at least manage to get the whole of 2e3 bond together(:
hmm i oso sort of overcome my height phobia bah
manage to climb to the top of the rock wall by onli a few more steps.lol
love the trainers there.so fun esp my grp de trainers;
faizal n naz tho naz went home the second day.lol
hahs.den today b4 goin back we were made to sit under the hot burning sun
cause got spot check for the two missing phones.
yepps so sian tml still got subj fest.
tts all bah.tata!...
now i'm so tanned.argh hard to turn back le.
hmm gonna do so many projs.rushing lyk mad cause next week got guides camp too(:
hmm i love the cheers at the camp so fun.
the greatest thing is tt 2E3 did veri well in the camp.we won lotas prize =D
actually should thanks rama for leading us well.tho kinda act la.
yepps at least manage to get the whole of 2e3 bond together(:
hmm i oso sort of overcome my height phobia bah
manage to climb to the top of the rock wall by onli a few more steps.lol
love the trainers there.so fun esp my grp de trainers;
faizal n naz tho naz went home the second day.lol
hahs.den today b4 goin back we were made to sit under the hot burning sun
cause got spot check for the two missing phones.
yepps so sian tml still got subj fest.
tts all bah.tata!
04 March 2006 3/04/2006 07:22:00 PM
hahas had so much fun goin out wit keping today(:
its fun fun fun!
at first went j8 den get our camp stuff;
i got my slping bag which is small,yeah can squeeze into the bag(:
den she got her slippers.tho no pink.cause the other sec two guides got pink.
but she got blue, her fav colour.XD
hahas den got phoebe n huey min prezzie.cause she's the birthday ic.lol
after tt went mos to eat.we was thinkin of gettin the light blue guides shirt.
so we went there to check the price.
we dunno if we should buy so walk around thinkin for abt 1/2 hour =X
den in the end, maybe we will come another day to get wit the other guides(:
after tt so sian walk the whole of j8 le den we were thinkin of goin to sumone's house.
so in the end we decide of goin to zing's house.hehe
called her many times but cnt get tru.
so we go there first den say loh cause we really got nth to do le.hahs
in the end think she went out.so we wander ard there for 1 hr.(:
we wander so long tt got one neighbour came out to take a look XD
den we so pai seh loh.so went to the playgrd.lol
in the end we went to tpc.saw actin in progress den took the actor n actress pic.hehe
when abt to go home saw this guy he went round askin for two dollars for his dinner.
den we wanted to give him.cause he look veri ke lian.but we were scared of him
hmm in the end didn't give him the money.kinda regret...
its fun fun fun!
at first went j8 den get our camp stuff;
i got my slping bag which is small,yeah can squeeze into the bag(:
den she got her slippers.tho no pink.cause the other sec two guides got pink.
but she got blue, her fav colour.XD
hahas den got phoebe n huey min prezzie.cause she's the birthday ic.lol
after tt went mos to eat.we was thinkin of gettin the light blue guides shirt.
so we went there to check the price.
we dunno if we should buy so walk around thinkin for abt 1/2 hour =X
den in the end, maybe we will come another day to get wit the other guides(:
after tt so sian walk the whole of j8 le den we were thinkin of goin to sumone's house.
so in the end we decide of goin to zing's house.hehe
called her many times but cnt get tru.
so we go there first den say loh cause we really got nth to do le.hahs
in the end think she went out.so we wander ard there for 1 hr.(:
we wander so long tt got one neighbour came out to take a look XD
den we so pai seh loh.so went to the playgrd.lol
in the end we went to tpc.saw actin in progress den took the actor n actress pic.hehe
when abt to go home saw this guy he went round askin for two dollars for his dinner.
den we wanted to give him.cause he look veri ke lian.but we were scared of him
hmm in the end didn't give him the money.kinda regret...